Time again to share what we are reading this week. I wanted to update you on what our final thought were on The Willoughby's by Lois Lowry. I'm not sure it deserves to be on a 100 must read book list, but it ended up being a cute book, despite the slightly dark view on relationships. The boys all liked it and it ended the way we had hoped. I would love to know what others have thought if you have read this book. On to this week's reads.
Nighttime- Britton
Return to Howliday Inn by James Howe
Still working our way through the Bunnicula series. We are on book 5 now, with two more to go. We are still laughing at the silly jokes and enjoying the crazy situations this crew gets into. In this book, they are back at the dreaded Chateau Bow Wow and of course something terrible will be in store for them. We can't wait to see how Harold, Howie, and Chester save the day again.
Nighttime- Greyson and Lincoln
The Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan
We are about half way through this book and we are enjoying it so far. I feel like since this series is 12 books long, this book is really setting the stage for what will happen in future books. Not much has happened in it yet other than getting to know the characters and understanding their lives. But even though it hasn't had an action packed start, I still look forward to reading it each night with the boys. And I am sure something will have to happen soon in order to hook you into wanting to read the next book. I am hoping to have this book finished by the next time that I post and I will have an update on what our final thoughts were about it.
Daytime Read- All 3 Boys
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Fleming
I had no idea that Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was a book. I love the movie, but had no idea that the movie was based on a book. And I had no idea that the author is the same author of James Bond, which I also didn't know was a book. The boys and I are really enjoying this book. It's a quick read, nothing too deep. It's just a fun, light book so far. I will let you know what I think next week, but so far I would recommend it to read with your kids.
So, that is our list for the week. I'm starting to look at a new series for Britton. I'm trying to decide between the Wizard of Oz Series and the Green Ember books. Both will be crossed off the list at some point. And will be getting ready to read Tuesdays at the Castle with all three boys soon.
What is on your list to read this week?